Benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- Reduces healing time for injured tissues
- Improves quality of life in patients
- Increases white blood cell creation
- Stimulates release of stem cells

Medical conditions that benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- Wounds that are infected or do not heal
- Diabetic ulcers
- Damage from radiation therapy
- Decompression illness
- Burns
- Sudden hearing loss
About Wesley Hyperbaric
Our history
First private hyperbaric centre in Australia
Wesley Hyperbaric opened in August 1998 in Brisbane. It is the first and largest fully accredited day hospital providing a comprehensive hyperbaric facility in Australia.
We have hyperbaric trained doctors and nursing staff in attendance at all times.
The desire to find new and innovative treatments through research is what drives the team at Wesley Hyperbaric. It’s about helping the community to get back on their feet, living their best lives.
Your journey starts with these 3 steps
When you have completed your hyperbaric sessions, your condition is reassessed by one of our doctors.
Questions about HBOT?

A careful evaluation is needed prior to commencement of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Patients are screened for any health problems or history of those, as well as medications they are presently taking. There are some conditions and medications that contra-indicate Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
The initial evaluation report is forwarded to your primary caregiver, typically your family doctor or specialist. Included with the report are our recommendations for a potential therapy schedule. A typical schedule includes a daily session of hyperbaric oxygen 5 days per week. More serious medical conditions may require more intensive therapy with 2 sessions per day.
Any questions you may have on What to expect are answered here.
Medicare covers the following 8 of the UHMS approved conditions for hyperbaric oxygen therapy:
- Arterial gas embolism
- Necrotising soft tissue infection
- Delayed radiation injury to soft tissue and bone
- Selected problem wounds/Diabetic Wounds/Non-healing Traumatic Wounds
- Compromised Amputation Sites
- Vascular Insufficiency Ulcers
- Clostridial Myositis and Myonecrosis
- Gas gangrene, anaerobic infections, or necrotising infections
Various private medical insurers also provide cover for these conditions as well as, in the case of some insurers:
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
- Crush injury and other acute traumatic ischaemias including strokes
- Intracranial Abscess
- Compromised Skin Grafts and Flaps
- Refractory Osteomyelitis
Following your initial consultation the doctor will provide you with the definition of your condition so that you can check with your private medical insurer to find out if your condition is covered and if there are any excesses to pay.
For more information, pls read Is HBOT covered by insurance?
While Medicare covers the doctor’s care for the above mentioned 8 UHMS approved conditions, Medicare does not cover the cost of private hospital care. For self insured patients please contact Administration staff prior to your treatment for an estimate of fees and charges.
However in the event of unforeseen complications or variations from the proposed treatment, the fees payable may increase. Total payment (other than any ancillary charges) are payable prior to your treatment. We have some payment plans which can be tailored to your situation.
Depending on your condition we may be undertaking funded research in that area so fees may be significantly reduced or waived entirely if you are a suitable candidate for the research project.
It seems complicated doesn’t it? We have been through this many times, so once you have had your initial consultation we will assist you with the payment process.
Wesley Hyperbaric is a DVA approved hospital.
- Gold card-holders are covered for Medicare Approved Conditions.
- White card-holders are covered subject to approval by DVA.
Your Workcover Approval is required when you attend for your consultation. If this approval has not been obtained then private health fund approval or total payment must be made on or prior to your treatment.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is generally painless and without any discomfort. In fact, it is enjoyable and relaxing to the point where we might even have to wake you up at the end of a session.
At the beginning of the treatment, when the pressure is increased, as well as at the end when the pressure is decreased and brought to normal, you will feel a pressure change in your ears similar to that which you experience in an aircraft.
Prior to treatments we will teach you how to equalise the pressure changes in your ears. Fullness and popping in your ears upon change in pressure will probably feel similar to that experienced when flying or going over a mountain range. During the rest of the treatment you can read or snooze if you wish. Most treatments take about 2 hours altogether.
Any questions you may have on What to expect are answered here.
There are very few side effects involved with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and these will be discussed in detail with you by the hyperbaric physician prior to commencing any treatments.
The number of sessions is individualised to each person. The hyperbaric health care team at Wesley Hyperbaric will discuss a planned course of therapy with you after an initial evaluation. The exact number of sessions will depend on your response to hyperbaric oxygen tests and measurements of microcirculation.
Patients may be offered 10 – 40 daily hyperbaric treatments Monday to Friday on a routine basis.
Any questions you may have on What to expect are answered here.