Hyperbaric oxygen therapy insurance coverage

Is hyperbaric oxygen therapy covered by insurance?
Is hyperbaric oxygen therapy covered by insurance
Find out if you are covered for hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Below, we look at the details of health insurance coverage in various situations with both Medicare and private health.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy insurance coverage explained

Is hyperbaric oxygen therapy covered by insurance or Medicare?

Does Medicare cover hyperbaric oxygen therapy?

You might wonder if Medicare covers hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) and the answer is ‘yes, but…’ It depends on the condition you need it for.

Currently, Medicare covers hyperbaric oxygen treatment for these medical conditions:

  • Soft tissue radiation injuries
  • Prevention and treatment of osteoradionecrosis
  • Diabetic wounds
  • Decompression illness
  • Gas gangrene
  • Air or gas embolism
  • Necrotising soft tissue infections such as necrotising fasciitis or fourniers gangrene.

Does private insurance cover hyperbaric oxygen therapy?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is covered by most private health insurers in Australia, however it depends on the condition being treated. Please speak to your insurer and make sure you have a good understanding of what is included and excluded. Important questions to ask your health fund are:

  • Does my policy cover me for this admission? 
  • Do I have an “excess” or daily “co-payments” on my policy that are required to be paid before or during my treatment?
  • Does my policy exclude or restrict payment for hyperbaric treatment?


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy cost

What will it cost?

Is hyperbaric oxygen therapy covered by insurance
Is hyperbaric oxygen therapy covered by insurance
As previously mentioned, Medicare and most private health funds cover the cost of HBOT for certain medical conditions.

If you are unsure about your eligibility, please call Wesley Hyperbaric and talk to our friendly administration staff to learn more about fees and charges.

Your journey starts with these 3 steps

Step 1
Once you have your referral from your GP or specialist, contact our Brisbane clinic to book a consultation with one of our doctors.
Step 2
If you are eligible for HBOT, your treatment plan is scheduled and your HBOT journey can start.
Step 3

When you have completed your hyperbaric sessions, your condition is reassessed by one of our doctors.