Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for diabetic foot wounds

How hyperbaric oxygen therapy can help with diabetic ulcers
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for diabetic foot wounds

Diabetes interrupts the body’s natural and efficient healing process. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment uses pressurised oxygen to stimulate your body’s innate healing process. 

Diabetes and wound healing

What makes diabetic wounds so different from regular wounds?

Diabetes interrupts your body’s natural healing process. To explain why this happens, let’s first explain what happens when people without diabetes get injured.

The healing process without diabetes

Minutes after being injured, blood flows towards the wound and clots to form a scab. It’s a genius natural healing process to protect underlying tissues from bacteria. Once the scab has formed, the immune system fights off infection by opening nearby blood vessels and delivering oxygen and nutrients to the wound.

The healing process with diabetes

Diabetes interrupts the normal or natural wound healing process. Essentially, an elevated blood sugar level stiffens the arteries and causes narrowing of the blood vessels. This reduction in blood flow lowers the amount of oxygen and nutrients that are delivered to your wounds. That’s why your wounds may worsen, and in severe cases, become gangrenous and require amputation. 

Dr Susannah Sherlock

Oxygen is vital for healing wounds. Enhanced wound tissue oxygenation is key to chronic wound healing. 

Dr Susannah Sherlock
Medical Director at Wesley Hyperbaric

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves breathing in pure oxygen at a higher air pressure than normal. This extra oxygen gets diffused from your bloodstream into different parts of your body, like your tissues, cells, organs, brain cells, and bones. This can be really helpful for healing because it helps increase the amount of oxygen that reaches those areas, which can promote faster and better healing. 

Hyperbaric chamber diabetic foot ulcer

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for diabetic foot wounds

The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to treat diabetic ulcers accelerates healing, reduces amputation rates, and can dramatically improve quality of life. That’s why HBOT is a Medicare-approved treatment for diabetic foot wounds.
A 2018 study reported that HBOT was effective in treating 75.2% of diabetic foot ulcer cases. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improved the foot ulcer healing process compared to other treatment methods.
Dr Susannah Sherlock
Medical Director at Wesley Hyperbaric
Dr Susannah Sherlock

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy offers a safe medical therapy for diabetic foot wounds and other conditions that don’t respond well to standard treatments. Using pure oxygen at pressures above regular atmospheric pressure, HBOT nourishes wounds with 100% oxygen. 

The extra oxygen in your body supports new blood vessel formation and improves natural infection control.

The beneficial effects of hyperbaric oxygen in diabetic foot wounds are:

  • Improving the wound healing process: More oxygen in the wound helps it heal better.
  • Improving the growth of cells, tissue and blood vessels.
  • More oxygen kills germs and makes white blood cells work better.
  • Reducing inflammation: By decreasing the amount of inflammatory markers and increasing antioxidant levels; this may lead to pain relief.

Check our overview page and find out how HBOT can improve your quality of life and overall health.

Your journey starts with these 3 steps

Step 1
Once you have your referral from your GP or specialist, contact our Brisbane clinic to book a consultation with one of our doctors.
Step 2
If you are eligible for HBOT, your treatment plan is scheduled and your HBOT journey can start.
Step 3

When you have completed your hyperbaric sessions, your condition is reassessed by one of our doctors.